Taipei Metro 29th Summer Universiade Taipei 2017 Commemorative Token


Art Director - Midnight Design
Design - I Chan Su、Yi Gu
Photography - Mo Chien
Print - 煒揚印刷企業有限公司
Client - 臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司 Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation


2017 年臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司與第二十九屆夏季世界大學運動會共同推出臺北世大運紀念車票,全球限量 2017 套。包裝視覺在既有的形象識別系統下,我們將吉祥物線條簡化後並組合成連續圖樣作為視覺佈局的使用,其中特別將彩球的部分做多角幾何化,使視覺上能更加豐富。印刷加工因應線條化的圖形選擇了燙印雷射箔的方式,隨光線折射有著不同繽紛的色彩,多樣性的變化亦然成為了生命力的象徵,猶如世界大學運動會滿溢的青春與活力。包裝結構上我們將「展示」與「蒐藏」的功能導入,讓包裝可以透過背面的卡榫結構變成展示架的功能,讓包裝本身也成為蒐藏的一部分,延續功能性的價值。硬幣表面圖像以2D 表現,但特別將吉祥物的獎牌以3D 的圓弧面製作,在單色的環境下能有層次感的視覺效果。(幣面種類:聖火、舉重、棒球、羽球、高爾夫球。 皆為台灣熱門的運動項目。)


In 2017, Metro Taipei and the 29th Summer Universiade Taipei jointly launched the commemorative token sets that are limited to 2017 sets. Keeping with the visual identity, we embraced and played with the outlines of the mascots to be the main patterns as the visual layout for the package. We particularly geometrized the pom pom to enrich the visuality. To be consistent with graphic lines, the printing methods of hot stamping and laser foil were adopted. The color of lines changes with the viewing angles by refraction, and the diversity naturally becomes the symbol of vitality as if Summer Universiade overflows youthfulness and energy.  In terms of the structure of packaging, we took the concepts of "display" and "collection" into consideration. Thus, the package can also be a display stand with the mortise and tenon structure designed on its back so that the packages itself becomes part of the collection. We presented the token in 2D whilst the medal of the mascot was displayed in 3D arc shape; hence, various dimensions could be represented to create layered visual effects even the token is designed in monochrome color. (Token type : torch, weightlifting, baseball, badminton, golf. Popular sports in Taiwan.)




Taipei Metro Year of the Dog Commemorative Tickets